What I can learn from my dog
Some Days I could Use More of This!
- Innocence: Dogs are innocent, like small children. Even when they make mistakes, they are never made with spite in mind. I miss the innocence of childhood!
- Vulnerability: Dogs are vulnerable; they need us and are happy to rely on us humans for their needs. We all need help sometimes, even though it is hard to admit.
- Kindness: Our dogs are always kind no matter what mood we are in. How often are we short tempered?
- Gracious: My dog never asks me for a new, better dog toy, he is happy with whatever I give him! We should be thankful for what we have!
- Forgiving: It doesn’t matter if you just trimmed a nail a little too close or met your dog with a harsh word; he will always forgive you and meet you with a soft kiss and a happy tail wag. I definitely need to be more forgiving.
- Happiness: No matter what is going on in your life, your dog is probably always happy! I, some days, wish I was as happy as my dog!
Oh to be as Happy and Full of Energy and Play as These Dogs!
- Trusting: No matter what you do to him, he will always trust you. Wouldn’t it be nice to trust in the goodness of most people, instead of the opposite?
- Humility: My dog never brags, even when he should! Humility is a great quality.
- Teachable: He is always willing to learn, it never matters how late at night, or how early in the morning or if I change my mind, my dogs are always anxious to learn and do something new! They love change! I wish I was as anxious and happy to learn and change!