Care & Responsibility (Silver)


Silver Test 10

The handler should be able to give six out of ten correct answers

SECTION 1 (See Test 10 Silver)


A dog owner should be aware of a dog’s need and rights and they are:

1.1 Water – A dog needs a constant supply of clean drinking water.

1.2 Food – One or two meals a day are suitable for most dogs.

1.3 Shade – A dog needs a shady place it can retire to in the heat of the day.

1.4 Exercising – All dogs need exercise and where possible they should be taken to places they can safely run free.

1.5 The pack. All dogs need to able to feel part of the pack.

1.6 Leadership. A dog knows there will be leaders within the pack. Leaders should not include the dog.

1.7 Company and affection – Dogs need company and affection without being excessive.


A dog should display the same demeanour from day to day. So should any of the following occur you should immediately seek veterinary advice.

2.1 A dog with a normally healthy appetite refuses to eat.

2.2 A normally active dog becomes lethargic.

2.3 A dog continuously vomits.

2.4 Its motions are very loose, or worse it has diarrhoea.

2.5 There is a loss of blood.

2.6 A dog does not want to get up.

2.7 A dog ls unconscious.

2.8 A dog is having a fit or seizure.


3.1 Register your dog with a veterinary practice.

3.2 Feed the dog regularly with nutritionally balanced diet.

3.3 Do not feed the dog from your plate or at the table but from the dog’s own bowl.

3.4 Dogs like a bed of their own so provide one.

3.5 Rub your hands over the dog’s body to check for sticky jacks, ticks, or lumps and bumps.

3.6 Regularly clean and groom your dog, ensuring that no part of the dog’s coat becomes matted. `

3.7 Bathing is sometimes necessary but it destroys the natural oils of the dog’s coat and should be done in moderation.

3.8 Do not allow the dog to become a nuisance to others. Ensure control is maintained at all times.

3.9 Where there are other animals such a horses, sheep or cattle keep your dog on a lead.

3.10 Your dog should be kept In a securely fenced garden and not allowed out on its own.

3.11 Do not allow your dog to foul at Inappropriate places.

3.12 If fouling does occur In a public place always carry a plastic bag to clean up after your dog.

3.13 Remember: a barking dog may be a nuisance to others.

3.14 Never take your dog into a restaurant or a shop that sells food.

3.15 Do not leave your dog unattended if you stay away from home or go on holiday.

3.16 The person looking after your dog should know your vet’s phone number.

3.17 Discuss neutering with your veterinary surgeon before the dog is six months old to avoid unwanted litters.

3.18 If you want your bitch to have puppies, seek the advice of your veterinary surgeon and breeder.

3.19 Always ensure that your dog is wearing a collar with an identification tag. Never leave a dog unattended with a choke type collar.

3.20 Remember that not everyone is a dog lover and they may dislike even a friendly approach from your dog.

NOTE: The above is Intended as a guide only and should not be considered as an exhaustive list of dog owners responsibilities.


4.1 Soclallsation

As soon asthe puppy is covered by the early vaccintions it should be gradually socialised with strange dogs, people and be familiarised with traffic. Not doing so can cause apprehension. Withdrawing a dog from something that frightens it will only make the apprehension worse in the londg run. Never make eye contact with an unfamiliar dog. All socialisation should be carried out in a careful manner.

4.2 More than one dog

If own more than one dog, do not attempt to train two or more together. It has to be remembered that, not only will it distract the other dog but when one is admonished, or praised, this will also apply to the other and be confusing.

Always train on a one to one basis with the other dog out of the way. When both dogs are well behaved they maybe handled together.

4.3 Dogs off lead

No matter how well trained or under control a dog might be, it should never be walked off lead in environmentally unsuitable areas or those that do not permit dogs off lead.

4.4 Equipment

A dog’s lead should be totally secure and attention should be paid to worn stitching or a clip that may not be reliable.

There are many types of collar available and handlers should ensure that the one they choose to use is in good condition and will not break under strain. Also it should always be adjusted so that, in the event of panic, it would be impossible for the dog to slip free.

4.5 Babies, children and dogs

When the family has a baby it is natural that much attention will be given to the new arrival. It is therefore important that the dog does not become jealous. Owners must ensure that the dog continues to receive the same love and affection as before.

5. Children

Children are usually less predictable than adults and they should be warned:

5.1 Never to make sudden movements close to a dog.

5.2 Never to scream or suddenly yell close to a dog.

5.3 Never lunge at a dog, particularly lf the dog is asleep.

5.4 Never put their face to a dog’s face.

5.5 Never eat food close to a family dog.

5.6 Never tease or pull at dog’s body, ears, tail or coat.

5.7 Never ignore a dog’s warning growl.

5.8 Never interfere when the dog is eating.

5.9 Always wash their hands after playing with a dog.

5.10 Always ask permission before touching a dog they don’t know.

NOTE: Children should be reminded to respect all dogs.


Excessive barking at home can become a nuisance, and the way the dog is kept at home may inadvertently encourage the problem.

6.1 Territorial reasons

Dogs barking for territorial reasons might do so at the front door or window where they can see people or dogs approaching. In the garden they may do so at the gate or

a fence. Excluding them from such areas helps reduce the habit factor.

6.2 Predatory or chase instincts

Allowing a ‘dog to constantly indulge ln this habit in the garden will exacerbate this problem.

6.3 Reasons of insecurity

Constant company and excessive reassurance and touching given to an insecure dog may cause stress when left without the company of people. The result may be barking, whining or howling.

6.4 At night

If it is necessary to vocally command -a noisy dog at night, it should be done at a distance. This avoids the dog learning how to call its owner back.


7.1 Ventilation for a dog in the car

Dogs must always be given ample ventilation when left alone in a vehicle. However, during hot weather even windows left wide open and/or shaded may not give sufficient ventilation. In such conditions dogs should never be left alone in vehicles.

7.2 Approaches to a vehicle from strangers

Most dogs are territorial when in their vehicle and may become aggressive if strangers put part of their body in through a window or door. Therefore this should always be prevented.


8.1 The psychology of vehicle travel:

8.1.1 Dogs or puppies. Dogs should gradually be accustomed to vehicle travel by taklng the dog out in the vehicle for short training journeys.

8.1.2 Dogs learn to enjoy vehicle travel if they are often taken by vehicle to a place where they have a pleasurable experience.

8.1.3 Dogs learn to dislike vehicle travel if they are only taken by vehicle to places where they have an unpleasant experience.

8.1.4 How a dog behaves in a vehicle on the first few journeys will form its habits of the future.

8.2 When traveling In a vehicle a dog: –

8.2.1 Should never be transported on an open bakkie.

8.2.2 Should not be constantly moving around

8.2.3 Should not be a distraction to the driver, and never be allowed on the driver’s lap when the vehicle is in motion.

8.2.4 Should be secure so that, in the event of an accident, injury to canine and human passengers is minimised.

8.2.5 Should not travel with head out of the window, a dog can be blinded by an insect.

8.3 When entering and alightlng a vehicle a dog: –

8.3.1 Should be on lead in traffic areas.

8.3.2 Should do so in a controlled manner.

8.3.3 Should not be a nuisance to others.